There is so much content, truth and lies out there about being entrepreneur.
The passive income freedom propaganda is a well-oiled machine on social media.
The truth is an entrepreneur has two lives. The life you see and the life you don’t see.
Like everything in life, business has two sides and it’s not all rainbows and fairytales.
After many years of being all in and working full-time in eCommerce this is what you see versus what you don’t see:
What you see:
- High cash months
- Celebrations
- Hitting big goals
- Freedom / Travel
- Business trips overseas
- Schedule Flexibility
- Celebrity endorsements and recognition
- Customer praise
- Creativity – new products, content
- Confidence
- Dreams coming true
What you don’t see:
- Low cash months, cant pay expenses
- Debt
- Copycat businesses
- Customer complaints
- Influencers not promoting products as planned
- Chargebacks
- Shipping problems
- Inventory management failures
- Arguments and disagreements with business partner
- Samples not working out
- Pressure to keep creating content
- Self-doubt
- Lack of motivation
- Stress & Loneliness
- Fear of a do-over / High Risk
- Never-ending list of things to do
- Feelings of failure
The entrepreneur’s journey is full of ups and downs. Your two lives live side-by-side and you know the truth!